Laurell K. Hamilton

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”

Elizabeth Wurtzel

“That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end.”

Your identity struggle ends here.

There is a burning desire in your heart to feel better, achieve more, and truly discover what God has for you. So often, we look to our careers, our relationships, and society to define those things for us. This is not a fault on our part; it is a groan. That groan is what leads to a depressed state of mind and anxious thoughts. But in my book, you will finally come to know why you have that groan and Who can fix it. I will share with you nine steps that it took for God to slay my depression and birth me into a new woman of faith and force. This will not be a short-term fix like medication and therapy. This will be transformative, empowering, and peace-filling. It may seem like the Enemy has won over your mind, but I can assure you that God ALWAYS has the final say. Before you were formed, He knew you, loved you, and purposed you. So rise up, woman of God, and let's activate!

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If you’d love a signed copy, click here ❤️

Read this GLOWING review!


“When you read this book, you will be reminded of Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker or even Shakespeare. You will be awestruck by her mastery of the English language and her creative genius in applying it. The book is riveting. When you begin reading it, you will not be able to put it down. Adriel’s battle with depression will resonate with everybody. You may not be captured by it, but all humans have felt the cold touch of depression’s hand.

You will relate to all of her experience in a way that will surprise you. She bears all. In all of her bearing, you will see yourself and see how all of us know the same lived experiences. She describes the human plight in a deep and unique way. Her thorough review of the science of depression is informative and thought provoking.

Her solution is the solution for all mankind. She spares nothing as she carries you to the Way.
Your life will be deeply impacted as you take this journey with Adriel. This is a best seller for sure!”

The Doer

Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say ‘My heart is broken.
— C.S. Lewis, "The Problem of Pain"

Read this LIFE-CHANGING testimonial from an early reader!


“I suffered from debilitating anxiety and depression for 50 years. The morning after I read The Activated Word, rather than awaking with my usual dread, I woke with a feeling of lightness. As I went about my morning, I felt different. A few hours into my day, I realized that my anxiety was gone…

The fear, worry, and stress that occupied a large portion of my brain most of the time had been quieted. I felt astonishingly normal. That feeling persisted for a week or two. When the anxiety began to creep back into my consciousness, I again read The Activated Word. Again, I felt better…

For weeks now, when I feel the familiar fear coming back, I read a prayer or a passage from Adriel’s book, and it always soothes my soul. I highly recommend The Activated Word to anyone wanting to vanquish anxiety!”


Wait! There’s more. Read these comments from my testimony video…


“I love your testimony! It is so inspiring.”

“Omg you had me in tears. I’m speechless. It wasn’t an accident that I ran across your post, it was so encouraging…”

“The Activated Word will give you the anchor you need when you feel out of control…”

“So inspired by your unshakable faith and proud of your courage…”

“Continue on this journey as there is healing taking place as people hear your story.”

“Your story is going to help millions!!!”

“I know the testimony of your healing will be someone’s breakthrough! This is the epitome of courage!”

“This is an incredible story. Absolutely empowering.”

“Such an amazing testimony of deliverance. You are my hero and role model.”

Sounds incredible right?! Get a glimpse of what’s inside ⤵

My unfiltered story.

Some believe in only showing the best parts of their lives. I believe that raw and real shows the test of every testimony. So in this book, you’ll come to know many of the skeletons in my closet that God has healed me from over the years. You may even find a connection to something you’ve dealt with or are currently facing.


Identity and purpose activation.

Sometimes, all you ever need in order to find freedom is for a person to hold your hand and walk you to the door. That’s why I’ve written an in-depth activation code that walks you through the nine steps of mental deliverance. You’ll get biblical nuggets of wisdom and tips from my personal experience on revealing your hidden identity, and soaring in your God-given purpose.


A chance to tell YOUR story.





To keep you motivated on the journey throughout your read, you’ll find questions at the end of every chapter that helps you work out the broken parts of your heart and the cloudiness of your thoughts. Writing out the confusion in your mind can offer you psychological relief.


7 days of prayer to utilize each week.

Lies, insecurity, and doubt cannot stand against the power of prayer. The Lord delivered Jennifer (the testimonial above) just on the basis of her reading the book. But how does she continue to hang onto the supernatural in her everyday life? Through the prayers that I’ve crafted in the last pages. I didn’t want you to be left in the dust, not knowing what to do next. I wanted to keep you satiated on the Word. With prayer, you can tackle every obstacle that life throws at you.

Psalms 34:18-19

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all.”

I’ve heard enough, Adriel.

I am ready to change my life for the better and mature into the woman God has created me to be. I’m all in this time.

By the way, this book was completely written and graphically designed by me with the grace of God.

It’s filled with pages of absolute power, creativity, and fire. It’s pure goodness.

God did not come to play, He came to slay.

The Activated Word: A Nine-Step Method to Slay Depression and Birth as the Word of God is available now!