Adriel Nicole Sparks

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Prayers for a Christian Marriage that Defies the Odds

The Bible says in Genesis 2:18 that it is not good for man to be alone. Enter the marriage covenant. God honors marriage because it showcases His entire image. The man brings the godly characteristics of sustenance, authority, and headship. The woman brings the godly characteristics of multiplication, nourishment, strength and humility. For this reason, says the Lord, a man shall leave his family and be united to his wife and they shall become one flesh.

It is not a popular trend to marry under the covenant of God in recent times. Culture has twisted the propaganda to preach that you can love who you want and marry who (or what) you want regardless of it going against holiness and purity. But I stand with God on this matter. If you are a man seeking to marry, you should marry a woman. If you are a woman seeking to marry, you should marry a man. Homosexuality and transgenderism were never a part of His original plan. Therefore, let us honor marriage as God would have us do.

I’ve personally written three prayers that you can start praying over you and your spouse to bring health and healing to your marriage and bless your household.

The Wife’s Prayer

Lord, thank You that what You put together no man can break it asunder. I ask that You strengthen me to be my husband's help and not his burden. Teach me to be an excellent wife who is gentle, patient, and self-controlled. Lead me into a Proverbs 31 mindset where I can honor him in such a way that I become the crown of his head. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

The Husband’s Prayer

Lord, I thank You for my wife. Give me the grace to love and cherish her as if she were the last woman on earth. Help me to walk in my authority as head of the household in meekness and confidence so that I can carry my family without fail. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

The Unity Prayer

Heavenly Father, we place You at the headship of our marriage and trust that You will guide us through every disagreement, heartache, and adversity. Help us to see eye to eye, and learn to put our wills aside for the sake of our marriage. (Husband) “Teach me how to love her like You love the church.” (Wife) “And teach me how to honor him as I honor You.” And together, we will stand as one against every plot, scheme, and gimmick set up by the enemy to cause division. We declare that NO weapon formed against us shall prosper. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Go in the peace of God

I’d love to know if you found these prayers helpful in the comments below. Also, if you’re looking to grow into a Proverbs 31 wife, I have a video you’d enjoy.

Praying for you.