Create, Empower, Activate.

When God writes your story, you are officially a closed book.

A miracle-working power is within you

The final mission Christ sent His friends on before leaving was for them to make disciples of all nations. Many are called but only a few are chosen to pick up this heavy mantle. It requires testing, perseverance, steady faith, and a spirit of boldness.

After being depressed for several years and almost losing my mind, I stood against this giant and cried out for purpose. Not only did God answer me, but He redeemed me, called me by name, and pushed me toward a new direction—He handed me the mantle.

Defeating depression proved to Him that I could stand; and my “yes” started the ministry that mends broken hearts, renews brilliant minds, and reveals the person of Christ like never before. I do what I do because people need to know God still heals, delivers, and redeems. He is still a miracle-working Creator who builds masterpieces out of nothing (see Genesis).

Learn from me as I lead you to Christ through my messages. Once you’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good, nothing else will satiate you like He does. Genesis 15:1 says God is your exceedingly great reward!